We Can Help You Navigate Debt Division in Your Colorado Springs Divorce

Divorce is a challenging process, no matter the circumstances. You are separating from someone who you believed would be a massive part of your life at one point. The two of you may have children together or pets. And you almost definitely have friends that you share. Navigating that emotional journey is incredibly tough. However, the hits with divorce do not stop there because the process entails the dissolution of not only emotional ties but also financial entanglements.

In Colorado Springs, as in many other jurisdictions, the division of assets and debts is crucial to divorce proceedings. However, while asset division often receives significant attention, the equitable distribution of debts typically flies under the radar. This is unfortunate because it can be just as important as dividing assets and is often more complex and contentious.

At The Law Office of Andrew Bryant, we have successfully handled countless divorces in the Colorado Springs area and have a clear understanding of the intricacies of debt division. When people decide to work with us, we aim to provide clarity on relevant laws, considerations, and strategies and fight to ensure their rights are protected.

Colorado Springs Divorce Laws and the Division of Debt in Divorce

Colorado is an equitable distribution state, meaning marital assets and debts are divided relatively – but not necessarily equally – upon divorce. That is an important point. Understanding that equitable distribution does not automatically imply a 50/50 split is vital. Instead, it considers various factors to determine a fair allocation based on each spouse’s circumstances.

Colorado law requires full disclosure of assets and debts during divorce proceedings to facilitate fair and transparent division.

Identifying Marital Debts

Before we delve into the complexities of debt division, it’s crucial for you to understand the distinction between marital debts and separate debts. This knowledge will empower you, making you feel informed and prepared for the process ahead.

Marital debts typically encompass obligations incurred during the marriage for the joint benefit of both spouses – such as mortgages, credit card debt, car loans, and medical bills.

In contrast, separate debts belong to each spouse, including premarital debts, student loans acquired before marriage, or debts incurred solely in one spouse’s name.

Factors Influencing Debt Division

When dividing debts in a Colorado Springs divorce, courts consider various factors to ensure fairness and equity:

Contribution to Debt Acquisition. Courts assess each spouse’s contribution to acquiring debts during the marriage. This includes considering who incurred the debt, its purpose, and whether both spouses benefited.

Financial Circumstances. The financial situation of each spouse, including income, earning potential, assets, and liabilities, is considered when deciding how debts should be divvied up. The goal is to ensure that neither spouse is disproportionately burdened with debt post-divorce based on their perceived ability to repay.

Child Custody and Support. If children are involved, the court may factor in child custody arrangements and child support obligations when dividing debts. This could influence the distribution to ensure the custodial parent and children are not unduly burdened by debt.

Duration of the Marriage. The length of the marriage can also impact debt division, with longer marriages typically resulting in a more equitable distribution of debts acquired over the years.

Spousal Maintenance. Spousal maintenance payments may affect debt division, especially if one spouse is financially dependent on the other. The court may adjust the division to account for future financial support obligations.

Strategies for Handling Debt Division in Your Colorado Divorce

Navigating debt division in a Colorado Springs divorce requires strategic planning and negotiation and a deep dive into the specifics of your situation. Andrew Bryant knows that no two cases are the same, and the best way to ensure your rights and future are safeguarded is to pay attention to your unique circumstances.

That being said, there are a number of strategies that we recommend for everyone:

Take a Comprehensive Financial Inventory. Compile a detailed inventory of all marital debts, including balances, interest rates, and payment schedules. This ensures transparency and facilitates informed decision-making during negotiations or court proceedings.

Prioritize High-Interest Debts First. Resolving high-interest debts first can significantly impact both spouses’ financial stability post-divorce. Paying off or refinancing these debts may be beneficial in the long run.

Work Hard to Negotiate Amicably. Getting divorced is emotional—everyone understands that. However, you must strive to negotiate debt division amicably with your spouse through mediation or collaborative divorce processes. Doing this gives you greater flexibility and control over the outcome—rather than leaving decisions solely to the court.

Consider Debt Settlement or Consolidation. Explore debt settlement or consolidation options to streamline payments and reduce overall debt burdens. Remember that such arrangements must be mutually beneficial and adequately protect both parties’ interests.

Seek Legal Guidance. Hopefully, this one is obvious and something you already intend since you are looking for advice on our site. Debt division is ridiculously complex, and our legal system often seems deliberately obtuse. The best way to ensure that your interests are adequately represented in negotiations and court proceedings and that your rights are protected throughout the process is to work with an experienced Colorado Springs family law attorney.

Reach Out Today to Make Sure You Don’t Find Yourself on the Wrong Side of Debt Division in Your Colorado Springs Divorce

No one truly wants to go through a divorce, and no one expects it to be easy or fun. In fact, most people want to get it over with as quickly as possible so they can start remaking their lives and moving forward again.

That is entirely understandable. However, to get through your divorce without getting the proverbial raw end of the deal, you need someone on your side who is well-versed in all the ins and outs of divorce.

At The Law Office of Andrew Bryant, we know Colorado divorce law like the back of our hand, and we will always make sure that your interests are protected in every area your divorce touches.

Want to see how we can help you and your former partner reach a fair and equitable agreement that allows both of you to continue living your lives? Get in touch now to set up a free consultation.